[-empyre-] re: Liquid Narrative Topos

<<As I have been recently reminded by re-reading Gerard Genette, ?Narrative
does not ?represent? a (real or fictive) story, it recounts it ? that is,
it signifies it by means of language ? except for the already verbal
elements of the story (dialogues, monologues).?>>
It is interesting how Benjamin and Genette seem to be close here. For
Benjamin the narrator extracts what he tells from what was
experienced: his own experience and the experience of others. And he
incorporates the narrated material onto the experience of his own

Interesting: it is the narrator that incorporates (that gives meaning,
or meanings to?) the narrated material, not the contrary.

This seems to indicate how there's a movement of intermingling voices
(1) -- the voice of the person which lived the experience being told,
the voice of the person that recounts this experience, and even other
voices that speak through the words used, to evoke Barthes, Foucault
and others that described language as a polyfonic process, where
speech speeks whoever is in the position of enunciation. It is as if
narrative would from a number of polyphonic processes, what makes
clear how language is always ocurring between indefinitely figures of
identity. (As opposed to the novel, where there is an effort to assure
an authoritative voice).

Devices such as the web and mobile phones transform intertextuality
into something else -- by allowing us to recount (remix) sound and
images, and also by allowing us to easily put sounds and images in
circulation; so we are talking about a flow of text, image, sound and
code, rather than a flow of text. We do not take notes anymore; we
make clips.

<<One of the features of this subjectivity is the immersion into a
spatial recounting as part of their entry into or engagement with the

a good example:

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